
Ideation International is the leading provider of innovation software based on the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) and the TRIZSoft® theoretical foundation.

The TRIZSoft® line of innovation products is designed to support Ideation Office of Innovation Tools to help users achieve consistent, expeditious solutions to complex problems. Novices, enthusiasts and certified TRIZ practitioners will find TRIZSoft®applications easy-to-use and capable of accelerating the process of successful innovation.

What’s new: AI-enabled software tools with AI Chatbot connectivity. Learn more and download the free 15-day trial software here:

Ideation Brainstorming (IBS) software version 5.x – a general-purpose analytical tool to convert complex situations into a comprehensive set of directions for solutions (innovations).

Express Situation Assessment and Management (ESAM) software – a basic process designed to help with the preliminary analysis of a complex challenge and develop the initial set of possible directions for solutions.

Innovation WorkBench® software version 4.x – a comprehensive professional tool to address challenges in technological systems.

Knowledge Wizard® software version 4.x – a comprehensive professional tool to address challenges in non-technical areas, like business, management, logistics, etc.

Ideation Office for Complexity Management (IOCM) software – a comprehensive professional tool to address complex situations characterized by one or more of the following elements of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity. Ambiguity).

Take a look at the demo videos by clicking on the link. Demo Videos.

These TRIZSoft® products are also available:

Failure Analysis

Professional tool for revealing root causes of undesired effects (accidents, failures, production defects, etc.) and their elimination (prevention).

Anticipatory Failure Determination – Ideation Failure Analysis
7 days lease: $30.00
1 month lease: $200.00

This powerful software tool utilizes the I-TRIZ application Anticipatory Failure Determination (AFD) to analyze failures whose causes are unknown, then helps the user find ways to prevent or eliminate the revealed failure mechanisms in the system.

Also included is Basic I-TRIZ e-Learning, which teaches you the foundations of the I-TRIZ methodology (on which Anticipatory Failure Determination is based) in 4 hours or less.

Contact us to buy and/or for additional information.

Please get in touch with us to inquire about a one-year subscription ($1,000.00)

Failure Prediction

Professional tool for predicting possible undesired effects and events (accidents, failures, production defects, etc.) and their prevention.

Anticipatory Failure Determination – Ideation Failure Prediction
7 days lease: $30.00
1 month lease: $200.00

A valuable tool for design, quality, reliability, manufacturing, R&D, and safety professionals. This system employs the I-TRIZ application Anticipatory Failure Determination (AFD) to predict and prevent potential failures in systems, products, processes and technologies. This aggressive approach helps users determine potential harmful effects and weak points in a system, product or process, then prevent them from manifesting.

Also included is Basic I-TRIZ e-Learning, which teaches you the foundations of the I-TRIZ methodology (on which Anticipatory Failure Determination is based) in 4 hours or less.

Contact us to buy and/or for additional information.

Please get in touch with us to inquire about a one-year subscription ($1,000.00)

Special TRIZSoft® packages

Intellectual Property (IP) Management

Professional tool for evaluating and enhancing patents, disclosures, and applications, “inventing around” patents, and protecting patents from inventive competitors.

IP application is supported by the following software:

  • Invention Enhancement – proprietary professional tool designed to support the process of increasing the invention’s value by broadening its application and strengthening its protection by using proprietary analysis technique and unique knowledge base
  • Invention Evaluation – proprietary professional tools designed to support the process for the estimation of the invention’s potential by using unique knowledge base. Provided in two versions: abbreviated based on 9 parameters; full version based on 34 parameters
  • Disclosure preparation – tool to help an inventor prepare invention disclosure for a provisional or non-provisional patent application.

Directed Evolution® (DE)

Provides a streamlined, accelerated and controlled evolution of various evolving systems including any kind of products, processes, services, technologies, etc. Businesses and/or organizations, countries and human society as a whole can benefit.
  • DE application is supported by Directed Evolution® software – professional tool to support the process for building a comprehensive set of prognostic scenarios of evolution of technological and/or business systems based on Patterns of evolution using proprietary analysis technique ad knowledge base.